Health Homepage


This site is very much a work in progress, as is health itself.

Health is an ongoing effort to maintain good condition within your body & mind.

As well as noticing and responding to changes in our health, we also learn from the past & from other people and intentionally take preventative measures. Maintaining health preventatively is our best form of defence, as we can do things to strengthen our immune system and barriers of protection. Many men might not like to admit it, but good skincare is vital for good health, because the condition of the skin dictates how your body interacts with the world around you.

To do


  • caffeine

    • 90 mins after waking + why

    • drink water first + why

  • morning routine for a good day

    • cardio

    • no phone, screen, notifications, messages

    • water — warm or even hot

    • hot shower to clear out phlegm

    • cold shower to finish — wake up the immune system etc

    • stretching / yoga

  • neurology

    • neurotransmitter basics

    • controlling attention

    • neuroplasticity

      • focussing on this as a primary need

      • methods to re-activate, increase, maximise, maintain

      • tools to ditto


    • don't put your phone in your back pocket — damage, break, bend, affect battery

Last updated