
About symbols

There are different kinds of symbols.

  • Things that represent concepts intuitively. (☯️)

  • Things that represent concepts metaphorically (but immediately intuitive).

  • Things that represent concepts by consensus. (☯️)

  • There are also smbols that are intuitive within a specific context. (🔀)

We also have classes of symbols:

  • graphic (image, shape, picture)

  • sonic (sound)

  • lexic (word)

  • letric (letter; usually a simple sound with a meaning, then combined into words)

  • sigilic (self-composed symbol based on parts taken from the chosen concept)

Sigils are covered in a separate section of the website.

The study of symbols and their histories is part of the study of signs, called semiotics.

→ 🔗 Read more About symbols

Visit the page on World symbols if you want to familiarise yourself with symbols that are in common use around the world, recognised by millions if not billions of people.

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