Futuring basics

First of all: I know this works because I use it.

Suspend your disbelief and read it with an open mind: you'll discover that this is a creative application of psychological ideas.

This does not preclude taking actual action. You have hands for a reason. Perhaps the practical meaning of "" would be more obvious if it were "handifestation".


99% of our actions are unconscious replayings of habits.

A habit is physical.

A habit is a structure in your brain.

Most of our actions are out of our control, reflexive reactions to external stimuli, replaying habit structures as responses.

Our responses are based on our expectations.

Our expectations are based on what we believe is possible.

This is what limiting beliefs means.

Our belief of what is possible is based on our beliefs in who we are as a person.

Once we have become jaded, we have become entombed in a crystalline prison.

Dejade your self.

You can become literally anything you set your mind to (with certain exceptions but that's a different topic).


“Fake it till you make it.”

You must believe that you are already what it is that you want to become.

This is what you hear time and time again, I'm sure.

But it's true,

So what does it really mean?

It means this:

Your beliefs of what you are are shaping your subconscious, habitual responses to the world around you.

And those responses are guiding you towards becoming the same version of yourself, over and over and over and over again.

You are stagnating because you no longer believe in the impossible, as you once did as a child.

The impossible is not truly impossible, but rather seems impossible because it is out of your current reach.

Forget about whether it is impossible or not. That is irrelevant.

You are perpetually attracted towards what you believe is possible.

And your beliefs are based on your memories.

You are stuck in your memories.

If you were not, you wouldn't even be reading this webpage now.

Your image of your self is based on the past version of yourself.

You have to create a new image of your self — the self that you will to become.

This image of your future self must NOT be identified as a future self.

It must be identified as a MEMORY of your self.

Why as a memory?

Well, a past memory of your self is not necessarily the most ideal form, but see: we are working with what we have, and what we have is a highly corrupted perspective of reality, possibility, creation, etc. We have been deeply polluted by the world around us, teaching us how to become good employees, good little worker ants, supporting the colony as only the controllers see fit.

Ideally we would simply use an image of the future self, and come into being that through the natural process of unfolding into the future imagination.

We cannot use a future self image because of our current state of mental & spiritual confusion and psychic pollution, so we instead will use mental hacks to circumvent the issue.

So, now, we are using the concept of a past memory of the self that we want to become, as if we are already that, as if we have already been that.

We use this as a method of suspension of disbelief — because your current present waking self is well aware that itself isn't that, so casting the image of the new self into the past as an artificial memory is a good solution in this case.

This is what we are doing — creating an artificial memory of what we shall become.

Why is this a struggle? Why is this circumvention even necessary?

Because we have been trained into believing that magic is not real.

Because we have been taught to conflate the concept of magic with the impossible.

Magic is not The Impossible.


Magic is change

Magic is movement

Magic is vibratory transmission through media

Magic is energetic transfer

Magic is electronic

Magic is fusion and fission

Magic is gravity

Magic is pressure and differentials and layers and density

Magic is chemistry and balance and technique

Magic is τέχνη

Magic is the unbelievably narrow skin of pressure in the vastness of the Universe that provides conditions suitable for the existence of liquid water and heat and air and land and soil and the development of Life

Magic is the complex cell

Magic is the light-detecting cell

Magic is the complex organism

Magic is the conscious lifeform

Magic is the conscious lifeform with willpower and education and the ability to conceptualise morals and ethics and build civilisations and defend itself against savage beasts and natural distasters and grow food and design vehicles

Magic is the technology that the lifeforms imagined in a time before it existed and drew it into reality

Magic is the precisely controlled flow of electrons through carefully designed materials such that the electrons can perform, on average, 3 billion mathematical calculations per second

Magic is the programming languages that the lifeforms designed in order to control the electrons

Magic is the spoken languages that the lifeforms created organically and constructurally in order to communicate and increase the quality & accuracy of communication

So please tell me how magic is not real?

Imagine the emptiness & vastness of Space

And remember what the conditions out there are like

Also remember what the conditions are like undeground. That is, inside rock, inside magma

The absolute magic it is that the atoms you inhabit are present within this narrow skin of inhabitable space

Of all that there is in this Universe, the sheer mass of magic that has occurred — and is occurring, and shall continue to occur — in combination, in this very zone is absolutely mind-boggling.

So, drop those beliefs you hold about magic being impossible, about magic being the impossible.

Magic is real because it is not .

Magic it is, that you can have an intention to do something and then you can do it.

How did you move your thumb now?

How did you move your eyes to read this?

You just did. And you shall continue to do things, because you can.

In which way is ths not magic?

Besides, just because we can explain something, does not mean it is no longer magic.

Magic is folding something up into a higher-potential state, such that it can then unfold.

You can programme a program like this.

You can programme a spell like this.

Life itself is even like this. An organisation of chaotic components up into a higher form, that gradually unfolds over time, yet the lifeform itself keeps reorganisating itself into lower entropy.

You are doing magic all the time, whether you like it or not; whether you want to or not.

Are you doing the magic on purpose?

Are you doing the magic with purpose?

Believe that you already are what you will to be.

Believe that you already have been what you will to be.

But how to go about this?

Well, you need to craft the artificial memory.

Note the choice of verb. Craft.

This is not a cute game.

A memory feels real because of its context. All the sensory cues that comprise its environment.

You shall make the memory realistic, real.

And, a memory echoes through your daily life.

You must be obsessed, infatuated, maybe even pining over that memory.

When you don't know what you are looking for, you are wandering.

When you know what you are looking for, and you want to find it, you naturally choose options that guide you towards it.

We can consider this as a kind of quantum field selection.

There are infinite variable futures ahead of you, each one starting at a minor deviation from your current state in space and time. Each choice you make chooses a path, cutting off the other futures forever.

You choose the future from the quantum field of potential.

So why is your life not going how you want it to?

Because you keep choosing the wrong options.

"But," you say, "I know what I want, and I'm trying to get there, but I keep failing to achieve it, sometimes I don't even manage to start! What on Earth is wrong with me?"

The problem is that you are guided by your subconscious reflexive habits.

So this is why we need to intervene.

The intervention selects a type, a class, of future from the quantum field of options.

The selection charges it up with your focussed intention.

The charge makes it magnetic, it attracts you towards it.

When you start making the right default choices, you fall towards it, there is no other option.

Imagine that you have folded your self up into a specific complexity that can only unfold into the direction & outcome of your intention.

That is what the magic is; that is spelling; that is future-crafting.

You've created a differential between you and that future, and the only thing remaining is for the differential to resolve. Sounds like electronics? It is. Actually it's temporal alchemics.

So how can we intervene?

Programming your mind

  1. Mindful action. This retrains the brain, builds new neural pathways, strengthens new & correct pathways, deactivates old pathways. Every time you repeat an action, you strengthen that neural pathway: make the effort to never again strengthen the old pathways and to always strengthen only the new pathways.

  2. Reflect on past mistakes. Learn from them, create circumventions to prevent yourself repeating them; create alternative methods to overcome the initial origin of the mistakes. (Circumventions are temporary solutions that do not solve the root cause: you must target the root cause as well.)

  3. Visualise what you want to become. Deep visualisation.

  4. Cast the visualisation into your memory zone so that your subconscious leans towards making choices that bring you into becoming what you now remember that you already were.

We must recognise that we are creatures of habit.

This isn't an attack, nor a challenge.

It is the bare truth.

So use it as a starting block.

As creatures of habit, we must utilise habit to our advantage.

Knowing that I, and you, and everyone else, operates primarily on habit, means that we can programme our habits such that our habits guide us into the future version of our selves that we want, that we need, that we will, that we shall. Shall your Self into Ra-elity.

Imagine screwing up a piece of paper into a tight ball.

When you release it, it will unfurl slightly, because there is not enough pressure to keep it closed.

Imagine compressing a spring into a tight space.

When you release it, it will burst out, in a direction, because there is a lot of stored energy.

Imagine winding a coil of metal up so that it is tight.

When you release it, it will unwind suddenly, perhaps even breaking the sound barrier.

If you attach something to it, it will unwind gradually, imparting its stored energy unto the object that is attached. Indeed, this is the nature of clockwork mechanics, and has been in use for at least 2,000 years (research the Antikythera mechanism).

Imagine writing code on a computer so that it is useful and functional.

When you release it — allow it to run — it will do useful tasks, it will display images and text, it will do whatever you designed it to do.

Imagine furling up things within your psyche in just the right way.

When you release — when you go about your daily life — those new psychic constructs will unfurl, they will influence your life, they will inform your conscious & subconscious choices, they will affect your reactions to things.

Your new psychic programs will start to influence your life.

Your old psychic programs were already doing so.

Now you have crafted ones which do what you want.

Last updated